Facts of Human Body
Length of alimentary canal | Approximately 8 meters |
BMR (Basal metabolic rate) | 1600 K.cal/day |
Number calls in body | 75 trillion |
Longest bone | Femur (thigh bone) |
Smallest bone | Ear ossicle, stapes |
Weight of brain | 1400 gms |
Blood volume | 6.8 litres (in 70 kg body) |
Normal B.P | 120/80 mm Hg |
Number of R.B.C | (a) In male: 4.5-5.0 million/cubic mm |
Life span of R.B.C | 120 days |
Normal W.B.C count | 5000-10000/cubic mm |
Life span of W.B.C | 3-4 days |
D.L.C (Differential leucocyte count) | (a) Basophils-0.5-1% |
Blood platelets count | 2,00,000-4,00,000/cubic mm |
Haemoglobin | (a) In male: 14-15.6 gm/100 c.c of blood |
Hb content in body | 500-700 gm |
Universal blood donor | O Rh-ve |
Universal blood recipient | AB |
Blood clotting time | 2-5 minutes |
Average body weight | 70 kg |
Normal body temperature | 98.4.F or 37.C |
Breathing rate | 16-20 minutes |
Dental formula | adult:2123/2123=32 |
Number of cranial nerves | 12 pairs |
Number of spinal nerves | 31 pairs |
Largest endocrine gland | Thyroid |
Gestation period | 9 months (253-266 days) |
Normal heart beat | 72-75/ minutes |
Largest gland | Liver |
Largest muscles in the body | Gluteus maximus (Buttock muscle) |
Largest smooth muscle | Uterus of pregnant women |
Smallest muscles in the body | Stapedius |
Largest artery | Abdominal aorta |
Largest vein | Inferior venacava |
Largest W.B.C | Monocyte |
Smallest W.B.C | Lymphocyte |
Greatest regeneration power | In liver |
Longest nerve | Sciatic |
Longest cell | Neuron (nerve cell) |
Menstrual cycle | 28 days |
Menopause age | 45-50 years |
Minimum regeneration power | In brain cell |
Minimum distance for proper vision | 25 cm |
Type of placenta | Haemochorial (Chorioallantoic) |
Pulse rate | 72/minute |
Volume of semen | 2-4 ml/ejaculation |
Normal sperm count | 200-350 million/ejaculation |
ESR (normal Erythrocyte sedimentation rate) | 4.10 min/hour |
Thinnest skin | Conjunctiva |
pH of gastric juice | 1.4 |
pH of urine | 6.0 |
pH of blood | 7.35-7.45 |
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